I want to give back to some communities that have been generous in offering free summits, webinars, and interviews with prominent presenters in spirituality and healing, as well as various aspects of writing through to publishing, and marketing whether to reach for interest in a local class or global workshop.
Have a look at some of the links below (you can also copy and paste into your browser) and join to listen to some great interviews, participate in interactive webinars & calls. Thanks to the organisers of these fabulous events. http://goinswriter.com/superherosummit/ 12 days starting 10nov 12pm US Pacific or 11nov 7am AEDT http://www.healingwiththemasters.com from 8 oct to 12dec 4pm US Pacific or 11am AEDT Healing With The Masters Season 14 incl 48hr free replay access http://www.inspiredlivingsecrets.com/season-4/ oct to 21nov 12pm US Eastern or 4am AEDT http://mywellnessrevolution.com/ WOW! (Wellness, Oneness, Wealth) Living in the Miracle Zone includes free replays & access to intention healing circle to 15 nov