URGENT Funding for a vital health organisation is stopping!
If further funding is not guaranteed then SHOUT (Self-Help-Organisations-United-Together) will need to close its doors within the next month. Update: http://citynews.com.au/2017/stanhope-ministers-blunt-cuts-hurt-vulnerable-people/ SHOUT is the administrative centre in the ACT (Canberra Australia) which supports 47 Health Support Groups, 6000 clients, offers facilities and education resources to people with health conditions, family, carers, friends, health professionals, and the general public in the ACT and surrounding regions. SHOUT's funding is about to be cut disabling SHOUT and as a flow on effect the groups it supports. I have personally benefited from SHOUT via two support groups, which have helped me not only understand more about chronic pain but have helped me realise I'm not alone dealing with a chronic health condition. If SHOUT is disbanded then the financial implications on the health sector will increase - by how much & in what manner we don't want to subject people to that when they are already struggling! Support groups offer information, self-management techniques, vital communication through meetings and social gatherings to people who would otherwise be isolated because of their health situations. If SHOUT disappears then flow-on financial implications to both Government and people are numerous. Without these services backed by SHOUT the potential impact on people's health and subsequent wellbeing could be devastating. Please make yourself heard in support of SHOUT Click for list of suggested media and government contacts.