Thanksgiving Day celebrates, from 1789, the day pioneer founders thanked God for their bountiful harvest in the new land, declared the "United States of America" only 13 years previously. This year midst the turkey and all the trimmings, coping with dynamic family personalities all in one room, will being grateful for the blessings you have received during the year been more than just a mumbled thanks prior to delving into lunch or dinner?
In Australia we don't celebrate the Thanksgiving Day, but historic differences of the actual day aside, here and elsewhere around the globe, you can stop and give gratitude for what you have. Even if life seems to have dealt you badly, pick one thing, just one thing for which you are grateful. If you are struggling this, gratitude might not be for something tangible but for someone or something that has brought you joy, a memory of fleeting smile from a passer-by that brought back a smiggen of happiness to your day, a child's drawing, and yes even a dog or cat image on your social media that raised a grin or even an "aw, how cute" response. There is much throughout the world which should not be happening: conflicts based on often centuries long feuds; misunderstandings; ideology; greed; personal trauma; or abuse. We are bombarded with fear, and desensitised to the misery these conflicts inflict. So on this Thanksgiving Day, whether in America or elsewhere, spare a thought, a prayer, in whatever manner is comfortable for you, for your blessings and do something positive, however large or small, towards helping alleviate someone else's suffering. It's already the early hours of the 4th Thursday in Hawaii, and as dawn arises across Americans everywhere, best wishes everyone for a wonderful Thanksgiving.